ADA, Title 24 and CBC Compliance

At Guide Engineering, Inc. we specialize in low cost solutions to accessibility issues.

ADA Compliance

We believe in preparing transition plans that will allow the business to maintain strong economic growth without expending capital on expensive alterations. Our Clients are able to make low cost modifications that promote accessibility and meet State and Federal Code. Our professional approach enables businesses to mantain open operations while meeting accessibility needs.

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In this litigious consumer environment it is absolutely necessary to protect yourself from serial litigants as well as provide meaningful accessibility to all your present and future clients. Our CASp professionals can provide detailed and accurate reviews which will provide essential mitigation of future liability. Guide Engineering's Certified Access Specialist (CASp) program provides for additional protection and guidance by providing the following:








With more than 20 years of experience in commercial retail, office, restaurant, multifamily and industrial facility design the engineers and designers are well versed in all aspects of accessibillity. 




New Construction

  • Preliminary Site Planning 
  • Construction Drawing Review
  • Construction Inspection 
  • Detailed post construction site assessment           

Existing Facility Adaption

  • Accurate Site Survey/Topography
  • Building Facility Survey
  • Alteration Design Details
  • Detailed site assessment

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